listed in alphabetic order: country/city(institution)
listed in alphabetic order: country/city(institution)
FH Joanneum | Institute for Applied Production Sciences
food, insects, futurology, product development
Anton Paar MCR 92
Anton Paar MCR 301
Multi-phase flow, Sprays, Viscoelastic Material Modeling, Bio Fluid Mechanics, Capillary Hydrodynamics with Complex Liquids
Extensional Rheometer
Vascular Ageing and Stroke
Clinical trials
Metadynea Austria GmbH | Product Development Department
Polymers: formaldehyde-based resins
Anton Paar MCR 302
Anton Paar MCR 72
Montanuniversität Leoben | Department of Polymer Engineering and Science
Polymers: injection moulding and extrusion, feedstocks, wood plastic composites , comprehensive benefits cataloque
Anton Paar MCR 501
Anton Paar MCR 702
Göttfert Rheograph 2002
Göttfert RG50
Göttfert Rheotens 71.97
Reactive materials, Process-Structure-Property relationships, Material data determination for processing simulation, Elastomers
Anton Paar MCR 501
MonTech D-RPA 3000
Department of Biomolecular and Selforganizing Matter | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Tulln, Vienna
Kompetenz-zentrum Holz GmbH (Wood K plus) | Area: Wood Materials Technologies, Team: Advanced Bonding
Wood adhesives, Chemorheology (curing), Rheokinetics
Anton Paar MCR 302
Medical University Vienna | Center for Anatomy & Cell Biology
Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Biological Materials
Brillouin light scattering microspectroscopy
Lovis 2000 Rolling-ball viscometer
Medical University Vienna | Core Facility Laboratory Animal Breeding and -husbandry
Tissue Rheology and Hemorheology: comparative approach (blood and blood clots) clinical and forensic questions
Anton Paar MCR 302
Anton Paar AMVn
Medical University Vienna | Center for Biomedical Research and Translational Surgery
3D Bioprinting and Biomaterial Design, Tissue Engineering, 3D Cell Culture
Anton Paar MCR 301
SLA 3D Printer (hot and cold extrusion)
TU Wien | Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry
Polymers, Photopolymers, Biomaterials, Hydrogels
RT-FTIR Photorheometry
Anton Paar MCR 302
WESP with Bruker Vertex 80 spectrometer
Anton Paar MCR 301 with CTD 450 oven and SRF 12 measuring system
Anton Paar MCR 301 with Ultrasound Transducer
TU Wien | Ludwig Boltzmann Center for Rheology
Zur Website
Zur Labor Geräteübersicht
Zur Laborübersicht
Cement, concrete, bitumen, asphalt
3x Anton Paar MCR302
Anton Paar MCR92
TA-Instruments HR20 with Orthogonal Superposition Accessory
Schleibinger Viskomat NT
TU Wien | Research Center for Road Engineering
Bitumen, asphalt, viscoelasticty
Anton Paar DSR
Anton Paar MCR 302
Bending Beam Rheometer
Rotational Viscometer
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | Department of Food Science and Technology
Food Physics, Bakery products, Plant-based Food Analogs, Food Oral Processing
Anton Paar MCR 302 Kinexus Pro+ Texture Analyser TA-XT (plus C + und 2i)
Brookfield Viscometer
University of Vienna | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
pharmaceutical formulation, semi-solid preparations
Anton Paar MCR 302
University of Vienna | Faculty of Physics, Computational and Soft Matter Physics Subunit
Soft Matter Physics, Biophysics, Active Matter, Cell Motility, Optics, Rheo-Optics
Anton Paar MCR 702e Multidrive Space with polarized light imaging
Wiener Neustadt
Anton Paar MCR 302 (ball-on-3-pins, ball-on-3-plates, plate-plate & cylinder)
NTR3 (ball-plate, cartilage-cylinder
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität | Institute of Fluid Mechanics
Narrow Gap Rheometry (cell monolayers), high shear rates, minimal sample volume
Anton Paar MCR 702
Anton Paar MCR 501
Anton Paar MCR 301
Physica UDS200
Capillary viscometer
Université Paris-Saclay | Laboratoire Leon Brillouin CEA – CNRS
Scattering methods, Rheometry with optimized interfacial contact coupled to optical and thermal measurements
TA-Instruments ARES2
Linkam cell
Further equipment (Selection):
Acoustic Levitator
Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel
Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel
Two-Component Phase-Doppler Anemometer (Dantec)
Continuous-Stream Monodisperse Drop Generators
Advanced Fiber Production Setup
Various Laboratory Equipment (Syringe Pumps, Scales)
More information is found on the institute’s website
Contact: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Günter Brenn
Institut für Strömungslehre und Wärmeübertragung
Technische Universität Graz
Inffeldgasse 25/F
8010 Graz
The Windberger lab is located at Medical University Vienna, Austria. We handle with biological samples, including patient blood, and often use the comparative approach (using samples from well-selected animal species) to formulate structure-function relationships. We test blood and blood clots by rheometry, and deal with clinical and forensic questions.
We described the properties of blood of several mammalian species(1) including also camels or seals, developed mathematical models for animal blood suspensions(2), and defined uncertainties in simulations(3). We elaborate the role of blood plasma in creating a stabile halo around RBCs(4) and an elastic shear layer on surfaces(5). This has consequences for cell-plasma coupling and for the blood flow through capillaries.
Crime scene re-enactment requires substantial blood volumes from human or large animal species, but the type and quality of the blood source can vary significantly between forensic laboratories. Therefore the tests carried out may also vary. We examined the maximum storage time for pig and cow blood at optimized conditions and found out that pig and cow blood must be discarded on the 21st day after collection(1,2).
Fibrin networks show strain hardening, Mullins effect, and nonlinear stress-relaxation. This rich mechanical response can be accessed by rheometry. Viscoelastic tests together with treatment protocols based on cut-off values are already used for postoperative patient care, but only the linear behavior of clots can be accessed by these methods. Measuring at broader ranges of shear deformation will add valuable information to pure kinetic tests because blood flow compels clots into a dynamic non-linear response that alters clot remodeling. We therefore looked for an easy-to-use rheological protocol to identify the mechanical phenotype of a blood clot at large strains. The protocol(1) can also identify amyloidic fibrin fiber networks(2). It translates well to other gels that contain fibers, such as collagen hydrogels with or without embedded cells(3,4).
Agathe Robisson
head of research unit
Telefon: +43-1-58801-20626
Fax: +43-1-58801-20697
Area Wood Materials Technologies, Team Advanced Bonding (“ADBO”) (Head: Dr. Erik van Herwijnen)
Research and Development on wood adhesives, Chemorheological analysis of curing reactions, Rheokinetics, Storage stability, Effect of additives, hardeners and fillers on curing and viscosity
Senior Scientists: Dr. Pia Solt-Rindler (main resonsible person for rheometry) and DI Dr. Catherine Rosenfeld
Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH,
Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz
c/o Universitäts- und Forschungszentrum Tulln (UFT),
Konrad Lorenz Straße 24, 3430 Tulln
Tel.: +43 1 47654-89188
AC2T research GmbH
Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 2/C
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Tel: +43 2622 816 00 – 270
Information on the test systems are here:
Food, despite its complexity, may be examined in the framework of physics.
Many processes and concepts familiar to physicists are involved in food processing, including van der Waals forces, phase separation, diffusion, and phase transitions, to mention a few.
Food systems also involve modern physics difficulties that are still poorly understood, such as percolation, gelation, and the nature of the glass transition.
Physical properties of foods can be changed by preparation and/or food processing, as well as ingredient selection and modification, and become apparent prior, during, and after consumption.
The Food Physics research group conducts multidisciplinary research integrating Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Process Engineering, Sensory Science, and Human Physiology, and collaborates closely with other working groups inside and outside the university.
The research activities range from objective measurements of relevant functional, technological, and sensory attributes of liquid and solid products (e.g., flow and fracture behaviour, visco-elasticity, sound emission, adhesion, macro-structure, colour, surface tension, density, and so on) to process and product optimization, as well as human oral processing.
Our purpose is to produce novel mesostructures and application concepts for academic partners, industry, and society, as well as to teach students to implement such integration in their future jobs.
Most of our research projects include rheology, from fundamental rheology utilising an Anton Paar MCR302 and a Kinexus Pro+ to more applied rheology and texture employing Texture Analyzers, Extensographs, and Fluorgraphs.
Collaborations with academic and industry partners from the Food Sector, as well as other fields, are encouraged.
Projects might range from simple, individual measurements through small-scale contract research, method development, and bigger research consortia.
Close connections with several institutions at BOKU allow for the integration of many fields into rheological research.
4. key words
Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Wierschem
Phone number: +49 9131 85-29566
Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Cauerstraße 4
D-91058 Erlangen
References (selection, with focus on rheology)
Anton Paar MCR 702e Multidrive Space with accessories (second motor, polarized light imaging, etc.)
– custom-made stress-controlled shear rheometer for rheo-microscopy experiments with commercial microscopes (as described in
lab head:
Division of Anatomy, Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology (CACB), and Medical Imaging Cluster (MIC)
Medical University of Vienna,
Währingerstrasse 13, Vienna, A-1090, Austria
Tel. (office) +43 (0) 1 401 60 37578 / Tel. (mobile) +43 (0) 660 98 34138
Lovis 2000 Rolling-ball viscometer, Anton Paar (small volume viscosity of liquids)
Brillouin light scattering microspectroscopy (High frequency longitudinal viscosity of liquids-solids)
Phone: 00431 42777 55403,
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2,
1090 Vienna, Austria
Head of Research Group Processing Technologies
Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH
Roseggerstraße 12
A-8700 Leoben
Tel: 0043/3842/42962-82
Fax: 0043/3842/42962-6
Laurence Noirez, @:,
CNRS Research Director
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS)
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cédex
Joint CEA and CNRS unit of the Université de Paris-Saclay located at the South of Paris, internationally reputed for its high expertise to probe structure and dynamics of condensed matter (liquids and solids) using in particular scattering methods.
Department for Rehabilitation & Recovery
Patients: different neurological cohorts (mainly stroke) but also other populations.
Expertise: clinical food oral processing with behavioural and objective outcome measurements.
Equipment: includes FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing) or access to VFSS (Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies) to investigate efficiency and safety of food oral processing related to healthy and disordered swallowing.
Keywords: Clinical Food Oral Processing, Swallowing Physiology, Swallowing Disorders, Speech and Language Pathology
Contact: Simon Sollereder,
Research Scientist – Speech Therapy, 0043 664 1004838